
Monday, April 17, 2023
6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. CDT

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Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by Ariana Portalatin

School Resource Officers (SROs), Return to in-person meetings

Live reporting by Zuka'a Joudeh


Hi, I’m ZJ w/ @CHIdocumenters! I’ll be covering this evening’s meeting for the Chicago Local School Council Advisory Board (LSCAB).
The agenda can be viewed here:

06:04 PM Apr 17, 2023 CDT

LSCAB “comprised of both elected & appointed currently-serving LSC members. The role of the LSCAB is to advise the Board of Education on issues related to LSC elections, operations, powers & duties, and school improvement plans.”

The meeting started at 6:04pm. Five members are present. A notion has been set to approve the agenda and the minutes from February’s meeting.

Jadine Chou is the CPS chief of Safety and security and will be speaking at the meeting today about Whole School Safety Planning Process for the SY 2023-24.

“Jadine oversees the safety operations for more than 380,000 students in more than 640 schools, and is responsible for supporting school administrators in their efforts to provide a safe and welcoming learning environment for all students and staff.”

Jadine, “Only 40 schools have SRO, rest of high schools no longer have officers present…If schools choose to vote out their SROs, they can get additional funding for another programming. (However), Once you vote out your SROs, you cannot restore them.”

Jadine finishes her presentation and opens up for comment.

Michael Brunson: “(ref. list of the schools) Were those the schools that kept the officers or not? Because I don’t see one of my schools” Jadine, “These are only high schools” and explains more. Brunson sees his high school and has one of the schools revoting SOR this yr.

Froy Jimenez, about public safety in our schools in general, “How can we address (reoccurring) situations without SROs?”

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JC: “If something is happening outside the building, then we work with CPD. If it’s inside the building, Jadine’s department would evaluate and find the roots within. “There are many things we can do that are not police solutions.”

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Brunson asks if they map out gang affiliations. Jadine: “We are keeping track of the conflicts… We are not looking to label students.” Schools are focused on having a relationship with young people so they can reach out if they are in danger.

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Chairman Tom Gray says that “they are having a terrible time with students with guns inside the schools.” Is the decision to not involve police permanent? Jadine reassures us that they work closely with police and it’s a CPS Board decision to return police to schools or not.

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Jimenez, wants to see a reduction in student recording of the fights and praised Jadine. Jadine is piloting things with schools to inform students of social maturity on social media.

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Now Kishasha Williams offers her report.

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All LSCAB meetings moving forward will be in Person, due to the end of the Governor’s Disasters Declaration.

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One public comment by Rice. He enjoyed the meeting.

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There was a motion to move on to the old business. They still have not voted for a new secretary.

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Now on the topic of the June meeting, should it be canceled? Jimenez asks to table this motion in the May meeting. Sanchez counters that because they have special meetings. Chairman Gray continues to pursue a vote. All voted in favor to cancel the June meeting.

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The meeting was adjourned at 7:03pm. The next meeting will take place on May 15th at 6pm at 2651 W Washington Blvd.

Agency Information

Chicago Local School Council Advisory Board

Pursuant to the Illinois School Code, in 1996, the Chicago Board of Education established a Local School Council Advisory Board (LSCAB) comprised of both elected and appointed currently-serving LSC members. The role of the LSCAB is to advise the Board of Education on issues related to Local School Council elections, operations, powers and duties, and school improvement plans. The LSCAB also serves as liaison between Local School Council members and senior staff and advises the Board of Education on other issues regarding the school district, as requested.

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