Live reporting by
Anna Harris
There is continued community opposition to a proposed expansion of emissions at the FCA plant on Detroit's eastside. EGLE says it can't deny the permit based on community preferences, only on whether the application complies with state environmental laws.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit We had someone introducing the meeting, but now we’re having technical difficulties - facilitator is working to get the meeting back online.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit Okay - we're back! The team is being introduced. We will have an information session, including Q and A, and then we will move to the public hearing, where residents can comment on the record. There will be more opportunities to submit comments after this meeting.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit The information session has begun with the air quality division.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit The permitting process includes a period of public comment that may change or otherwise impact the permit.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit Under consideration today is the RTO2 project - this is a modification of the current permit for the existing FCA plant.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit One of the changes is to the process of ventilating the paint shop. The upgrade should help reduce odors, but a particulate matter emission limit increase is being requested. Here are those differences:
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit As part of the permit review, there is a regulatory review (re: state/federal regulations), review of proposed emissions, air toxics review, and air modeling.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit All pollutant categories are reviewed: -Criteria Pollutents -Hazardous Air Pollutants -Toxic Air Contaminants The RTO2 project is within state and federal regulations.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit The screening levels are of maximum emissions levels, not the average.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit To insure compliance, EGLE says that there will be regular inspections: -compliance emissions testing (stack testing) - measure emissions coming from smokestack -review of reports - FCA submits quarterly reports to satisfy state/federal regulations
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit *ensure If there are violations noted in reports, FCA must respond with a correction plan.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit At 6:35pm, there are 36 people online and 25 in person.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit 🚨We are going into the Q & A session🚨
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit The first resident remarks that FCA is already surpassing current emissions levels, so why would we increase the acceptable level? The RTO2 is currently installed (June 2023) and FCA is not allowed to exceed emissions limits.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit The resident wonders what the point of this meeting is if this system has already been installed without public comment. He is very concerned about the people who live outside the plant. We get clarity that the current proposal is effectively to increase the emissions limits...
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit ...using this new system. The next resident is asking about the odors - she wants to know who can help residents get health screenings, as she and her neighbors has been experiencing health issues sine the FCA plant went in.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit Another resident asks about the air modeling and the assumptions and limitations used. The model is a computer simulation of the impact of a pollutant. This one is updated annually, and EGLE uses it to predict emissions levels.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit The model is limited by the number of receptors ELGE is able to install in the area (thousands). This is really the only limitation/assumption mentioned.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit The next resident talks about the delicacy of lung tissue and how much damage 2.5 um particulate matter can do - he asks poignantly, why would you ever raise that limit? The facilitator notes that they don't ask why a company wants something, just that it remains within state...
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit ...and federal regulations. Another resident asks about the model - he wants to know if health impacts are considered. He notes that there are already stories of health issues, and wants to know why EGLE has not come to talk to residents before now. He is upset.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit His point is that he feels that this meeting, this effort is too late and too little. He wants the EGLE panel to have some humanity and protect the people living around the plant. The facilitator asks the resident if he has information about how to incorporate health...
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit ...into the model. He tells her to look at the census data and the higher rates of respiratory disease. He wants EGLE to stop changing permits and change course to start taking health into account.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit We are moving to online questions. The first question is whether the RTO2 actually controls emissions or just the odors associated with pollutants. Most odors from the facility are volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and the system removes these. This does not seem to answer...
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit the question asked. The next question has several parts, but asks about previous violations, and whether they have impacted EGLE policy. Previous FCA violations were factors in denying this permit change previously. The facilitator acknowledges that permits are rarely denied..
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit ... because the company usually has everything in order before submitting their application.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit Another question in-person is asking about accountability for EGLE to present applications to the public. The facilitator clarifies that usually applications for controversial permits make it to public hearing, but a new system will put all permits online for public review...
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit ... which will be installed in the next 3-6 months. A resident asks about 2.5 um particulate - more evidence is coming out about the damage of this particulate, and this person wonders if there is a way to balance this increase by reducing emissions from another area of the...
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit ...plant to create net zero increase. EGLE is required to evaluate based on the current permit containment area and don't consider other areas of the plant if they are not in question. They only check levels against regulations.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit We are taking a five minute break ahead of the hearing.
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit ⚠️PUBLIC HEARING BEGINS ⚠️ The facilitator notes that while everyone is free to comment on anything however they want, comments focused on the content and basis of the draft permit with specific changes are more likely to result in change. Questions will not be answered, as...
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit ...this hearing is to collect comments only. Jenifer Dixon (facilitator) reads a formal statement introducing the hearing and restating the permit change.……
@media_outlier @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @michiganradio @wxyzdetroit Anyone who submits a comment will be notified of the outcome of the proposal decision. The comment period extends beyond this meeting. We will begin with in-person comments, and then go to online callers.
The first comment is that any increase in particulate matter limits would be very damaging to lung health, which is not reversible in many cases. The 2.5 micron particulate is of specific concern, as it bioaccumulates in various organs of the body, causing damage.
He is concerned that this body is considering raising that limit when there are already stories of health issues in the area. The next comment is from a Sierra Club member, and she reads a letter with seven signatures on it. The writers note that they are experiencing...
... negative health impacts since the plant has been operating. They request public discussion regarding this issue. The next comment is from an East English Village resident. She does not think FCA/Stellantis should be able to produce more emissions, and asks EGLE ...
... to consider the health and safety of local residents. She wants EGLE to work with Stellantis to reduce emissions further, and she believes there are other solutions. She has concerns about the type of paint being used on the vehicles made, stating it is illegal in other...
The next commenter is very difficult to hear. He doesn't see why EGLE should approve this permit. Next, a resident comments that she has health challenges. She works for the school system and remarks on the absenteeism caused by health issues already. She does not...
... this this proposal should pass. The next commenter is with the Detroit People's Platform. He says this process and the permit are rooted in environmental racism. He thinks the permit should be denied based on previous violations. His child has breathing issues.
He makes specific requests that EGLE deny the proposal, or that if they must approve it, that there be specific timelines and parameters. He cites substantial non-compliance, particularly galling since FCA received tax abatement to build this plant - "we're using our...
... own tax dollars to do this to ourselves." Senator Stephanie Chang comments that this community is once again in a strange and difficult position - years of dealing with back and forth with FCA to negotiate the specifics of pollutants, when we should be reducing them overall.
She urges EGLE to look at health impacts and environmental justice proactively instead of waiting for complaints to come in. She thinks that FCA should be prevented from emitting more 2.5 um particulate.
We will now hear comments from online. The first commenter is a 30-year resident, and reminds the room that resident health must be the primary concern. She urges EGLE to ensure we do not reach unsafe emissions levels, and cites disproportionately high levels of asthma in Det.
She believes that there should be redress for residents, and that tax benefits should be clawed back from companies for non-compliance. We have another comment in the room from the East Side Climate Coalition. He notes that the concerns in the room are supported by research.
Wayne Co is one of 24 counties in the country failing EPA standards for 2.5 um particulate levels. He states that the approval of this plant in 2019 was rushed through and we are still dealing with the fallout from that. He reminds EGLE that they work for the people...
... and not the companies. He suggests alternative paints, air purification for residents, community fund for impacted residents, transparency and monitoring school air filtration, etc.
Another commenter from Grosse Pointe Park notes that Belle Isle, a nature conservancy, is very close to this plant. She feels sick when driving near the plant. She notes that residents are busy - people don't have time to come to these meetings and don't know they are going on.
Another resident from District 4 comments that Stellantis drew a line around the affected area and that she is not in it, but that she can smell the odors and has neighbors who have had health issues since the plant went in. She speaks for community members that couldn't attend.
She wants to know how the people impacted by emissions violations are being made whole again - she doesn't understand where the fines go, and doesn't see them going to the people that need help. The hearing has concluded.
The meeting is adjourned at 8:11pm. This concludes my coverage of the Detroit Human Rights Commission for 8/15/2024. For more meeting coverage, check out
If you believe anything in these notes is inaccurate, please email us at with "Correction Request" in the subject line. Thanks, everyone!