Live reporting by
Jennifer Lenz
Neighborhood Opportunity Funds for Outwest Gallery in Austin, Aldermanic fund transfers

The Budget and Government Operations Committee meeting begins at 2:00p.m. at City Hall & online

The committee motioned to accept items 2 through 6 [from the agenda] which are ordinances that include multiple transfers of funds for Year 2024.

The fund transfers for Year 2024, include: 6th Ward Wage Allowance/Ald. Expense Acc. Committee on Committees & Rules 38th Ward Wage Allowance/Ald. Expense Acc. 41st Ward Wage Allowance/Ald. Expense Acc. 44th Ward Wage Allowance/Ald. Expense Acc.

Next, they discussed the 1st proposal for the Redevelopment Agreement with Outwest Gallery & Cafe to provide neighborhood opportunity funds for property improvements at 5249 West Chicago Ave. The goal is to support art & community.

The project seems to be community-driven, with local artists at the the counicl meeting providing a cultural amenity. The plan is to renovate a vacant building, create a space for art & culture, and offer healthy food options.

Meeting adjourned at 2:35p.m. This concludes the City Council Committee on Budget and Government Operations meeting. The next committee meeting hasn’t been announced yet TBD. @CHIdocumenters

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